Executive Details

Floyd Meunier
Referee in Chief

The position of Referee in Chief will include but not be limited to the following duties: 
  • Provide an update to 1 Vice President prior to each Executive Board Meeting.
  • Recruitment of officials.
  • Communicate training opportunities to all officials of LMHA.
  • Evaluate and assess each official as a means of encouragement to improve the caliber of LMHA officials.
  • Communicate with HNB Zone V coordinator, and all other local minor hockey referee in chiefs to identify training opportunities and assignment opportunities for all LMHA officials.
  • Coordinate in conjunction with Zone V Hockey Officials association an on ice training session for all LMHA officials.
  • Perform an official transfer of duties to the new assigned coordinator at the end of the term. Documentation, processes and different tasks should be carefully reviewed and transferred to ensure a smooth transition