Executive Details
Share Rachel CormierCafe Coordinator
The position of Cafe Coordinator will include but not be limited to the following duties:
- Provide an update to the Treasurer prior to each Executive Board Meeting.
- Purchase, order and maintain stock/inventory in canteen, in powerade and coke machines:
- Organize delivery of some supplies (Coke, Slush, Coffee/Hot chocolate), pick up of others (pizzas, food etc).
- Ensure there is stock, check expiry dates, and ensure food safety/hygiene.
- Look after paying invoices in a timely manner.
- Look after deposits and financial records.
- Ensure equipment in canteen is clean and functional.
- Look after hiring paid staff to work canteen.
- Ensure background checks are done on staff.
- Ensure canteen is staffed for all shifts. Ensure double staff during Moncton High games and Tournaments – there will be 4-5 tournaments when the canteen will be open all day Friday – look for volunteers well in advance.
- Perform an official transfer of duties to the new assigned coordinator at the end of the term. Documentation, processes and different tasks should be carefully reviewed and transferred to ensure a smooth transition.